Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ninety Thousand and One

Roughly 90,000 new words in the English language over the last century.  Looking at this year's additions, I can see the need for new words like "parkour" - which describes a new sport.  I understand the inclusion of net vernacular like "tweet" or "defriend".  And I can almost appreciate humorous mash-ups like "bromance".  But do we really need a dictionary entry for "Chillax"?  Or "fist bump"? (which is 2 words, not one, describing an action).

I realize all the Scrabble players will appreciate the increased point opportunities, but Mirriam-Webster seems to have set the bar pretty low.  As such, here is my contribution - I will look for it in next year's dictionary:

WTFing : verb (used without object)

1.  To experience a feeling best represented by "WTF", or to literally think "WTF".
2.  To have spoken "WTF" (or the long form) or written it in an email, text, web posting, or written letter

commonly used in past tense, as in: 
"I was WTFing when i saw the pathetic new words that Mirriam-Webster added to its dictionary, in a desperate attempt to promote the relevance of, and reliance on, a dying publication in the world of the internet and word processors". 

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